Local Businesses

Here is a list of local businesses ready to help you with all your needs. They are all dedicated to the Greenwood Township community and its place in what we consider the best part of Minnesota.

Some of them have their own web pages to help you with more information about the services they can provide. Be sure to check them out. And when you greet them, tell them you found them here on GreenwoodTownshipMN.com

If you find an error on this page, would like to add your own business or update your business information, please contact the Greenwood clerk at clerk@greenwoodtownshipmn.com or at 218-753-2231. Thank-you!

Business Phone Email Address Website
77 Storage (218) 741-9626
      Storage Facilities
Aaron Dennie Construction 218-780-6869
Birch Point Marina (218) 753-4404
BZak Construction 651-325-1641brian_zak_3@hotmail.com
Clean Life Family 218-248-7014brianna@cleanlifefamily.comhttps://www.cleanlifefamily.com/
Eagle Docks (218) 753-2682 or (800) 416-0887http://www.eagledocks.com/
      Custom Built Docks, Barge Services, Dock Services
Everett Bay Lodge (218) 753-5115http://www.everettbaylodge.com/
      Family and fishing resort on Lake Vermilion
Forest Lane Resort (218) 753-5503 or (800) 826-6070http://www.forestlaneresort.com/
      Family and fishing resort on Lake Vermilion
Glenmore Resort (218) 753-1200 (877) 753-1200http://www.glenmoreresort.com/
      Family and fishing resort on Lake Vermilion
Gruben’s Marina 218-753-5000
Handy Ma’am - Jarri Ankrum 218-753-2936launpooh@yahoo.com
Hartway Painting & Wallcovering LLC 218-780-2135Hartway7@icloud.com
Jim Postudensek Guide Service (218) 753-2488
      Fishing guide specializing in walleyes
Lake Vermilion Boat Rentals, LLC (952) 240-6581
      Boat Rentals
Pier 77 Gift Shop (218) 753-6004
      Gift Shop, Ice Cream, Mini-Golf
Pine Trees Resort (218) 753-4818http://www.glenmoreresort.com/
      Family and fishing resort on Lake Vermilion
Red Rock Storage (218) 753-2375 or (877) 688-8885http://www.redrock-storage.com/
      Storage Facilities
Reichel Electric (218) 666-5876
      Dustin Grangruth - Electrical Contractor
Restoehr’s Propeller Reconditioning (218) 753-3912
      Propeller Repairs
Retreat Lodge & Resort (218) 666-2330 or (800) 682-6296http://www.retreatlodge.com/
      Family and fishing resort on Lake Vermilion
Shamrock Marina (218) 753-3912http://www.shamrock-marina.com/
      Watercraft Rentals, Marina
Shamrock Marina & Resort (218) 753-5457http://www.shamrock-marina.com/
      Family and fishing resort on Lake Vermilion with marina
Tavern In The Bay (218) 753-8888
Timbuktu Marina & Cabins (218) 666-2434timbuktu@cpinternet.com
      Cabins, gas, groceries, beer, live bait, tackle, licenses, and boat and motor rentals
Trancheff’s Cabins (218) 753-2411
      Family and fishing cabins on Lake Vermilion
Vermilion Club (218) 753-6277 Poor Gary’s Pizza (218) 753-5707
      Bar and Restaurant
Viitas Excavating Inc. (218) 666-2916http://www.viitaexcavating.com/
      Full service septic and excavation services in the Lake Vermilion area